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Model Abstract

Department of Foods and Nutrition, WHO Collaborating Centre, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat -02. *Email:

Introduction: In the past few decades there has been an alarming rise in the prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) due to rapid economic development and diet globalization. These factors are responsible for the imbalances of energy intake and expenditure. For many years, diet and physical activity counselling have been used to tackle these lifestyle diseases, but the results observed are short lived. For sustenance of good lifestyle practices (diet, physical activity and personal habits) a behavioral modification is essential.

Objective : To achieve behavioral modification a multiple faceted approach is required where information on diet and exercise is imparted to make the population aware and also constantly reinforced so that it translates into unceasing lifestyle practices.

Methodology: Thus a study was designed using these approaches called the DEAR (Diet, Exercise, Awareness and Reinforcement) study. A comprehensive Health Promotion Program (HPP) was devised encompassing a variety of counselling techniques like, group audio-visual counselling, practical sessions on different forms exercise, supervised focused physical activity and capacity building in an industrial set up.

Results: The enrolled employees and their spouses underwent an intervention for 3 months where nutrition health education (NHE) and advocacy were given to both. Employees performed focused physical activity for 30 min 6 days a week.

Conclusion: The HPP was found to have an extremely favorable effect on the personal habits and attitudes of the subjects. This observation was corroborated with trends of favorable changes in the nutrient intake especially in the fat intake, anthropometry, biophysical and biochemical data.

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